Make a FAQ page for your product and prepare a first place for your customers to look for their answers.

Category 1
  • Question sentence 1?
    Here is the answer of the question
  • Question sentence 2?
    Here is the answer of the question
Category 2
  • Question sentence 1?
    Here is the answer of the question
  • Question sentence 2?
    Here is the answer of the question

<div class="faq">
  <input class="faq-search" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">

  <h5>Category 1</h5>
      <h6>Question sentence 1?</h6>
      <div>Here is the answer of the question</div>
      <h6>Question sentence 2?</h6>
      <div>Here is the answer of the question</div>

  <h5>Category 2</h5>
      <h6>Question sentence 1?</h6>
      <div>Here is the answer of the question</div>
      <h6>Question sentence 2?</h6>
      <div>Here is the answer of the question</div>